I’m Eva Lake, a Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Doula, Sound Healer, Ceremonialist and Space Holder. I believe that energy and sound, along with ritual and ceremony, facilitate a sacred space where you can heal and grow by tapping into your own personal wisdom. 


With Moonhive, my aim is to empower and encourage people to live more fulfilling and abundant lives. 
To recognise that life, and death, are spiritual processes, and that we hold the keys to achieving harmonious balance, love and  joy.
I will help you create space where you can access your truth, and facilitate your healing and expansion. 
A place where you can return to your true and authentic self, in an accessible, safe and grounded way. 
In a way that is intuitive, and is right for you.
No one size fits all but I’d love to hold space for you while you figure it out.
 I’m proud to offer a host of healing modalities that can help you on your journey in this lifetime and beyond. 
I’m also part of a fantastic healing community, so if you need further support, I’m confident I can help to guide you in the right direction.


It took me a long time to start figuring out who I was…
…and that changes over time. 
Each of us go through many deaths and rebirths as we complete and begin life’s many chapters and cycles. 
I work primarily with people who find themselves at these life intersections. 
Those embarking on the journey of motherhood…
Those rediscovering themselves after a relationship break up…
 Or those just starting out on a spiritual path.
We are each our own healer and I want to help people find the anchor within. Help them stay steady as they navigate the seas of change.

More about my story…

I believe we are on a continual spiritual journey whether we know it or not, but I can clearly define when things massively changed for me; when my mum died. Before then, I had been a victim of life… wrapped up in my trauma, hurt, codependencies, insecurities and addictions. I lacked any real self awareness and had no idea who I was, or who I wanted to be.
I saw something in the moment my mum left this lifetime, that was greater than anything I had ever seen. I had no way of articulating it, but it changed my life.
From then onwards, I knew that death had much to teach me and my destined path started to unfold. 
The pathway is forever unwinding but I’m proud to have come to a place where I know exactly who I am, and what I’m supposed to be doing in this lifetime. 
Each month I hold various group events and workshops, including Reiki-Infused Sound Baths, Reiki Shares and ‘Talk it to Death’ sessions. Check the events page for up to date details of what’s coming up.