What is sound healing?

Everything is made of vibration and we are no different. Every part of us vibrates at a different frequency and when we suffer from emotional or physical sickness we become out of tune. Sound therapy uses the principle of resonance, in which one vibrating object will vibrate in harmony with another (entrainment), to rebalance harmony in the physical, mental and emotional body.

Through sound healing, we can entrain our brainwaves through varying states, from beta (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep). It is during these deeper states of consciousness that maximum healing occurs, and it is said that a single sound bath session is comparable to a good night’s sleep.

Drum, chimes, tuning forks, rattles, bells and bowls surrounded by plants and fairy lights.

Sound is a powerful tool that has been used by many ancient civilisations over hundreds of years.

I use a variety of these instruments and vibrations in both my 1-2-1 healings and workshops.


Sound and vibration healing can promote deep relaxation, and is beneficial for managing stress and anxiety, rebalancing the nervous system, reducing inflammation, improving blood circulation, sleep, and creating inner peace.

The body is held together by sound. The presence of disease indicates that some sounds have gone out of tune
— Deepak Chopra